First up: Drawing Personality Test, courtesy of Lindsay Clare D. Carandang.
Second: Yesterday's launching of Sandoz's Azyth.
After making up with my mom, she took me to Le Pavilion. As typed above, it's for the launching of the antibiotic Azyth. She brought me along because there was going to be a all-you-can-eat buffet and I haven't eaten a decent meal since the night before (Talk about starving oneself to death, oooh. Bad idea.) Anyway, we left our car at McDonald's North Avenue and went inside the van that was going to take us to the launching. Inside, my mom's doctor friends, Tita Grace and Tita Reggie, also brought their children along. Thea and Trixie, Jonathan and Y. I'm the oldest, yipee. We were on our way, and I was silently texting and watching a video (Mr. Bean! Kidding. Rowan Atkinson was on, so what was I supposed to think?!) We arrived in the lobby and the adults registered themselves while we, the kids, watched the on-going basketball trial. We learned later on that if you got a basket, you'll get an awesome basketball bag. We came in the hall. Brr. It was soooo cold. Freezing, I tell you. Good thing mom got a jacket in small. I hesitated to grab it at first, but temptation got the better of me. Oh, well. It was meant for me. Yeah, did I mention that the setting reminded me of our JS Prom? With the tables and everything. The theme was black and purple. The only difference was the people inside. They were all doctors and pharmacists. The best part came after we found a table. Eating! Yebah. The food was great. Lasagna, chicken fillets, brownies, pineapples, papayas, watermelons (I so love fruits.) After eating, my mom dragged me to the basketball hoop. Mom was first. She got it after the first trial. Next: moi. The whole scene was videoed to be seen in the hall (yes, yes, there was a large T.V. screen), so I tried to be fast. Out of three trials, none got inside the basket. Hah. After a while, they all pressured me to try again - for the sake of taking home a bag. Sigh. Good thing Thea and I were already friends (I don't know about her, but she's definitely my friend) by then. At thirteen, she is really friendly. So there. I dragged her along. She was saying that she will only accompany me, but I knew better. I still pulled her in the line. My first try, then... SHOOT!! Yeah. Thea did it too. She said it was probably because we weren't videoed anymore. Good. We went back to our table, hiding the prized bags in our jackets. Hahaha. Fast forward. The program started with a game. Oh, by the way, one of the hosts (hostess), was Iya. VJ Iya Villania. Okay, the game was about shooting a basketball. Whoever shoots the most baskets, wins. Men first. Their top score was 8 baskets. Next, women. Their top score? 12 baskets. Hahaha! Which implies... Only joking. No bias here. Then the lecture started. Some doctors spoke up. Afterwards, a performance graced the stage. Cheering. I envy the dancers. Sigh. Asi came after the cheers. Whoa, he's very, very tall. Place me next to him and I'm just about half his height. (Yeah, yeah, to all you people criticizing my height, I already accepted how short I am. Happy?) Next, discussions about Azyth. More games after that. I was getting hungry again by that time. And so I asked my mom to accompany me to the buffet tables. I got more fruit. Yeaaah. When I came back, Iya was going to start singing. Only then did I realize I had a camera - my cellphone - with me. Picture, picture. We left in the middle of Iya's second song. It was about 10:30pm. Aww, Trixie was told off by Iya's manager. She only wanted Iya's autograph. Tsk. Sayang. On our way home, the driver put on The Pacifier. Trixie chose that video. We arrived at McDo about thirty minutes later. So I didn't finish the movie. Haaay. Mom and I went straight home. I was tired, but I waited for my... ahem. Husband. Hehe. Congratulations to your dad for being the bowling champion. =)
Le Pavilion.

Basketball hoop.

Iya singing.

Can't believe it's her?
Try these:

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